Notice of extraordinary general meeting

05 April 2023

The Board of the Australasian Sleep Association invites all members to attend a virtual extraordinary general meeting at 5.30pm AEST on Thursday 27 April.

While all members are invited to attend the meeting, only Full Members and Emeritus Members are eligible to vote. You can access the meeting through this link.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider a special resolution to amend the association’s Constitution to allow members to vote electronically for Board directors.

This initiative is part of the Board’s current efforts to improve the transparency and accountability of how members elect Board directors. It will allow members to vote for these important roles whether or not they are able to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held each year during Sleep DownUnder. It will also help to improve succession planning by holding the election before the AGM when new directors start their terms of office.

This proposed constitutional change will work alongside other initiatives being considered to encourage more members to nominate themselves for Board vacancies, and create a clearer pathway for committee volunteers to develop their skills and nominate for Board directorships.

Changing a constitution requires a special resolution at a general meeting, where 75% or more of members present and eligible to vote agree to pass the resolution.

What changes are proposed?

You can read the details of the special resolutions in the meeting agenda. 

You can also see the changes to the Constitution marked up or read the proposed new Constitution with changes incorporated.

Resolution 1 adds a definition of electronic voting to the list of definitions as it is used in the new clauses about the election of directors.

Resolution 2 details the new clauses that permit the use of electronic voting prior to the annual general meeting for the appointment of member-elected directors of the association.

During the course of the legal review to make the change to allow electronic voting, some formatting and numbering inconsistencies were corrected. These changes have no effect on the content or substance of the Constitution, they simply correct previous errors or inconsistencies in the document’s formatting. Resolution 3 simply approves those corrections, which are marked up in this version of the Constitution.


If members eligible to vote are unable to attend the general meeting, they can complete and return this proxy form by 12 noon on Tuesday 25 April.

Please contact the CEO, Marcia Balzer, if you have any questions about this meeting or the agenda.